Dec, 2022

As 2023 approaches, business owners are reflecting on whether their current payroll provider is the best fit for their business. Choosing the right Payroll Provider can be a stressful process, but it doesn’t have be.
PJ Lynch & Company can provide you with a payroll solution that is Accurate, Compliant and Cost Effective
- Revenue compliant – retrieve RPNs and submit PSRs instantly
- Create customised reports
- Payslips can be emailed directly to your employees
- Payroll submitted via ROS, and reminders of your payment obligations
- One to One with your employee to help resolve any issues with tax credits etc.
Speak to PJ or one of the team here and we will be happy to talk you through the process.
PJ Lynch
PJ Lynch Company
Tel (01) 707 9662 or email pj@pjlynchco.ie
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